Transhapor, the new English enlightenment educational toy, is coming! Animals and letters can be manually transformed into each other and children can learn knowledge while playing, which can improve children's interest in learning English. It is entertaining . Children can learn all kinds of letters, numbers, and animal shapes through these toys. The animals are cute and colorful. The transformation can be completed in 4~5 steps with moderate difficulty. This is a new toy tailored for children aged 3-6!
26 Letters with animal shape
13 Packed -Deluxe Set
13 Packed -Deluxe Set
Animals x 13+Cards x 1
4 Packed- Closed Box-6 sku
4 Packed- Closed Box-6 sku
Animals x 4+Cards x 4
Single Packaging-Closed Color Box
Single Packaging-Closed Color Box
Animal x 1+Card x 1
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